In Memory of Martin Indyk

Martin Indyk - source: The Washington Institute

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 25, 2024) - With great sadness, The Washington Institute extends its deepest condolences to the family of Ambassador Martin Indyk, the organization’s founding executive director, who passed away today. He was 73.

Read our appreciation of Martin's life and contributions to the Institute and to American diplomacy.

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German counterterror police - source: Reuters
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Swearing-in ceremony for PA cabinet, March 31, 2024. Mahmoud Abbas is third from right; the new PM, Muhammad Mustafa, is to his left.
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Israel and the United States Must Agree on How to End the War in Gaza
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UNRWA workers at Nuseirat camp, Gaza, after Israeli strike (left); French diplomat Catherine Colonna (right)
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