Students who truly want to help the Middle East should embrace the approach of a growing number of Arab and Israeli leaders: muster the courage to find practical, realistic avenues of cooperation.
Never mind the debate about "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" -- on many campuses one's position on Israel has become a litmus test for acceptability. If you are on the wrong side of the issue -- or thought to be -- the campus can be a hostile place.
In the service of creating a better, more peaceful world -- starting with Israelis and Palestinians -- anti-Israel groups are fostering campuses that alienate rather than unite. And, ironically, it is out of step with the Middle East today.
Students who truly want to help the Middle East should embrace the approach of a growing number of Arab and Israeli leaders: Muster the courage to overcome ideological divides and find practical, realistic avenues of cooperation. If they can't make peace on campus, they won't succeed in the Middle East...
Read the complete article in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal.
Los Angeles Jewish Journal