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Beyond the Vote: Implications of the Iran Nuclear Agreement

Watch complete video of the Institute's special one-day event on the ramifications of the Iran nuclear agreement, including a keynote address by Acting Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Adam J. Szubin.
On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, The Washington Institute hosted a special one-day event with policymakers, diplomats, and scholars from around the world to discuss ramifications of the Iran nuclear agreement.
Panel 1: Implications for U.S. and Allied Intelligence
- Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, IDF (Ret.), director, Institute for National Security Studies, Tel Aviv; former head, Israel defense intelligence
- Ellen Laipson, president, Stimson Center; former national intelligence officer for the Middle East
Read a rapporteur's summary of this panel, published as PolicyWatch 2485.
Panel 2: Implications for Proliferation in the Middle East
- Olli Heinonen, Belfer Center, Harvard University; former deputy director-general, IAEA
- Robert Einhorn, senior fellow, Brookings Institution; former State Department counterproliferation advisor, Obama administration
Read a rapporteur's summary of this panel, published as PolicyWatch 2486.
Keynote Address: Implications for the Sanctions Regime on Iran
- Adam J. Szubin, acting under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence; director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Department
Download a transcript of Acting Under Secretary Szubin's full remarks (PDF).
After Szubin's speech, three experts responded to his remarks during a Q&A session: former Treasury official Chip Poncy, Washington Institute research director Patrick Clawson, and Institute counterterrorism director Matthew Levitt. Read a rapporteur's summary of their responses, published as PolicyWatch 2488.
Panel 3: Implications for Regional Security
- Gen. David Petraeus (Ret.), chairman, KKR Global Institute; former director, CIA
- James Jeffrey, Philip Solondz distinguished fellow, TWI; former U.S. ambassador to Iraq and Turkey
Read a rapporteur's summary of this panel, published as PolicyWatch 2487.