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Last Updated: Thursday, 14 June 2007, 09:16 GMT 10:16 UK
The Treasury War
First broadcast June 2007

A heap of dollars and the US Treasury's amble

Mark Gregory investigates how the US government has been economically squeezing its enemies in the "war on terror".

Since the events of 11 September 2001, the US government has opened up various battlefronts in its "war on terror," a very complex operation had military, diplomatic and financial aspects.

The US Treasury was significantly reorganised and its intelligence branch was greatly enhanced.

It was tasked with the key function of identifying and tracking financial flows among terrorist groups and rogue states.

In this landmark series Mark Gregory examines the Treasury's role in the "War on Terror".

Part Two: Iran

Mark Gregory looks at how the USA is trying to squeeze the Iranian economy.

The programme features an exclusive interview with Nick Burns, the US Under-Secretary in charge of Iran policy at the State Department.

Mr Burns points out that oil firms may face fines - and other penalties - if they sign deals to develop nuclear weapons.

But Iran insists its nuclear programme has no military application.

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